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Do you feel overwhelmed, confused, unsafe in a relationship,
or have trouble controlling your actions?

At times these events in our life become so challenging we need support to help us move through them successfully without regret. At any time we can experience one or more of life’s challenges. We can be affected as an Individual, Couple, Family, or Group.

-Vaughn Baker, Associated Counseling Services

What if you could talk to someone who believes in you?

Someone that understands there is no one method of therapy/counseling that can address all people or circumstances equally. Taking your culture, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, social-economics, as well as other cultural issues into the whole picture of who you are.

How would you feel if you could explore your thoughts in a safe nurturing environment and begin to address the obstacles with no judgment? Imagine finally being able to enjoy life, relationships, work, and yourself!

Associated Counseling Services

Associated Counseling Services (ACS) assists individuals, couples, families, and groups in clarifying their goals and expectations, reduce stresses, implement anger management and effective communications techniques. Our mission is to promote positive development, self-sufficiency, and to alleviate the obstacles that hinder this process.

Treat People The Way They Want To Be Treated

What Vaughn's Clients Are Saying

"I initially started counseling services with Vaughn because I was having difficulty resolving personal issues and I subsequently directed both my adult children to him for overall healthy counseling sessions. I found Vaughn to be sensitive, honest and forthright. He is also very professional, discreet and very knowledgeable in his field. I felt that he opened doors for me about my life that I never thought existed and he helped me to see how early life experiences correlated to choices I was making. My daughter and son both loved talking with him and felt his counseling sessions to be of benefit. I have recommended Vaughn to many of my friends, and I still continue to consult with Vaughn as needed. I highly recommend his services."
"Vaughn is a dynamic and powerful communicator that combines the clinical and academic talents of a great therapist, with an empathetic pervasiveness that's oftentimes missing in the client experience. Vaughn’s expertise is crafted from a unique historical background that enables him to relate well across a wide range of socio-economic environments, plights and circumstances that anchor his methodology in a uniquely humanistic way. Patients can expect an open and comfortable environment with Vaughn and demonstrable results that can ensure moving towards success and an improved overall quality of life."
Kevin Brown
President/CEO Vector Holding Group, LLC

One Consistent Thing In Life Is Change

How we think and act can determine how we incorporate change into our lives.

When we view the challenges and obstacles in our lives as opportunities for personal growth, we can learn to become grateful to the person who introduced them or the situation that created it. We become capable of seeing beyond our ego response and understand we are moving toward higher spiritual awareness. Often personal growth is preceded by some challenge.